Hvernig líður þér í buxum ömmu þinnar?

föstudagur, maí 18, 2007


Hvað er spelt

Ancient Grain With Modern Day Appeal

Not to be confused with oats or wheat, spelt is a member of the same grain family but is an entirely different species. It is one of the original seven grains mentioned in the Bible. This 9000 year old grain originated in the Fertile Crescent and over the centuries found its way throughout Europe where it remained a very popular grain for hundreds of years. To Germans it is their beloved "Dinkel" and is now found in a wide variety of foods and beverages from bread to beer. To Italians it is called "Farro" and is found in gourmet soups, pizza crusts, breads and cakes.
And to Icelanders it´s called YUCKKK!!!!

Já þar hafið þið það.
Þetta er kosher, Guddi bjó sennilega til mannað úr þessu.
En já Étið spelt og farið til himna.
Munið bara.
Þið eruð númer 5893420974. Í röðinni.

Ykkur var nær að hanga svona lengi í símanum.

Ps. þetta með okkur Íslendingana var bætt við greinina af mér.

Immagaddus segir..............

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